Getting your flowers, plants and gifts exactly where they need to go.
When you place your order with Tipton & Hurst, you can be confident the recipient will get what you ordered, delivered where you specified, and done so in a timely manner. See our list of delivery areas below or contact us for clarifications.
Tipton & Hurst delivery rates depend on location and distance from our stores.
During regular, non-holiday time periods, U.S. orders received before 12:00 pm in the recipient’s time zone will be assured same-day delivery in selected areas, with a few limitations: (1) Schools:We are unable to deliver after 12pm, as schools begin dismissing; (2) Hospitals: We are unable to deliver to ICU or research facilities; (3) Out of town orders: As these are routed to and filled by partner florists, we cannot offer same day. Internet orders received after that time will be delivered the following day.
During holiday time periods, same day delivery availability will vary depending on order volume.
Express Delivery – Please call 501-666-3333 if you require quicker service and more specific times.
We cannot guarantee specific flowers in areas other than the Little Rock metro area, but we can guarantee that your gift will maintain the same quality that Tipton & Hurst has delivered since 1886.