
Vilonia Funeral Home


Vilonia Funeral Home is proud to be one of Faulkner County’s few funeral homes that are family-owned. Don’t be deceived by the name on the sign. In most cases, the family has sold the funeral home many years ago and it is owned by a stock held company. When you choose a family-owned and operated funeral home, you can be assured that you will receive a higher standard of service at a more reasonable price. You also have the opportunity to get to know those that are serving you, as they are working and living in the same community you do. Vilonia Funeral Home in Vilonia, Arkansas is owned and operated by the Matos Familly.

Contact Information for Vilonia Funeral Home

(501) 796-2275

1134 Main Street
Vilonia, AR 72173

To deliver flowers to Vilonia Funeral Home, contact the Tipton & Hurst location below.

Vilonia Funeral Home Location

Delayed Opening

All locations open at 11am today due to winter weather.

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